/ Événements / Conférencier de clôture de la conférence Kenine & ...

Conférencier de clôture de la conférence Kenine & Peptide Receptors – Sao Paulo, Brésil

Kinin 2015 Brazil is an official symposium of E.K. Frey-E. Werle Foundation of the Henning L. Voigt Family, from Germany, that will offer the Gold Commemorative Medals that should be awarded to researchers with notable contribution to the field of kinins and related peptides, who will be elected by a specific scientific committee. Find more information about E.K. Frey-E. Werle Foundation, click here.

The symposium will take place in Santa Casa de Sao Paulo School of Medical Sciences, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, from June 28th to July 1st, 2015.

Noteworthy, a special issue on Kinins is planned to be published in Biological Chemistry (on December Issue) in connection with the conference KININ 2015, with a deadline submission on August 3rd, 2015.  Lire la suite →