/ News / Two emerging researchers to conduct internships within Québec’s ...

Two emerging researchers to conduct internships within Québec’s government offices in Munich and London

The Fonds de recherche du Québec, the Ministère de l’Économie, de la Science et de l’Innovation, the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie and LOJIQ - Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec are proud to announce the names of the two emerging researchers selected to take part in the scientific internship pilot project within Québec’s offices abroad. The initiative chiefly aims to promote the role of scientific expertise in diplomacy, specifically within Québec’s delegations and offices around the world.

Gabrielle Simard, who holds a PhD in physics from McGill University, was chosen to carry out an internship in Munich. Jean-Christian Lemay, who is currently completing his PhD in chemistry at Université Laval, will travel to London to pursue his internship. Their one-year research initiatives are set to begin in September 2018.


“In addition to providing Ms. Simard and Mr. Lemay with the opportunity to draw upon their scientific expertise in a diplomatic context, the internships will, I hope, serve as examples for many university graduates. Québec and its institutions need new generations of researchers in order to play a key role at the international level and in science diplomacy.”

- Rémi Quirion, Québec’s Chief Scientist



Julien Chapdelaine
Bureau du scientifique en chef
Manager – Special Projects
Fonds de recherche du Québec
418 643-7542, ext. 3146