Looking for a little science and research?
In this section, discover research capsules written by science journalists, articles from the Rumour Detector, produced by Agence Science-Presse (with the financial support of the Fonds de recherche du Québec and the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire), as well as summaries of research reports financed by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture as part of its partnership research program. Enjoy reading!
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10 of 676 results
A simple blood test to screen for Alzheimer disease
Dr Pedro Rosa-Neto, Centre de recherche Douglas
Overcoming creative blocks
Marine Agogué, HEC Montréal
Data to help build a more sustainable world
Brian Leung, McGill University
A potential vaccine against triple negative breast cancer
Lee-Hwa Tai, Université de Sherbrooke
Life, twenty thousand leagues underground
Cassandra Lazar, UQAM's Department of Biological Sciences
When sulfur leads to minerals
Crystal Laflamme, Université Laval
Inclusion begins with children
Carmen Dionne, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR)
Rural ER closings: when the solution is outside the box
Richard Fleet, Université Laval
Developing inclusive, sustainable cities
Shin Koseki, Université de Montréal