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The FRQ and the Fund for Scientific Research–FNRS of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation sign a collaboration agreement

The Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) are pleased to announce the signature of a collaboration agreement with the Fund for Scientific Research–FNRS of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. The agreement aims to promote scientific and technological collaboration between researchers in Québec and in the French-Speaking Community of Belgium, in all areas covered by the four agencies (FRQ-Nature et technologies, FRQ-Santé, FRQ-Société et culture and FNRS).

“This agreement will strengthen scientific co-operation between two communities that are facing similar challenges, in regard to La Francophonie for example, but also in regard to broader issues. Climate change and the aging population lead researchers to think beyond borders,” declared Rémi Quirion, Chief Scientist of Québec and head of the three Fonds de recherche.

The five-year collaboration agreement will include support for the organization of scientific and technological meetings, workshops and symposia on topics of common interest.

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Benoit Sévigny
Fonds de recherche du Québec
514-873-2114, ext. 1619