/ News / The Fonds de recherche du Québec’s support ...

The Fonds de recherche du Québec's support for the Canadian Science Policy Centre

The Chief Scientist and the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) are pleased to announce their support for the Canadian Science Policy Centre (CSPC) over five years to further enhance Québec’s participation in advancing Canadian science policy.

CSPC’s vision is that of a strong, inclusive, effective, and well-connected science policy community with solid ties to society. In the present environment replete with information overload, fake news and alternatives facts, CSPC’s role becomes important in advancing informed dialogue at the interface of science, policy, and society is essential.

FRQ’ support will significantly strengthen the links between all regions of Canada and particularly in bringing together stakeholders from Anglophone and Francophone communities on emerging science policy issues. It will also showcase Québec’s long-standing leadership in science policy and in scientific diplomacy.

This support is a clear indication of FRQ’s commitment to strengthening science policy institutions, evidence-based decision-making, and building capacity for the future generation of scientists in Québec and Canada.


“The support from the FRQ, helps strengthening Canadian Science Policy infrastructure by building institutions and capacity for the future generation, and fostering a dynamic and well-connected science policy community. This support is the recognition of CSPC’s work in science policy and its contribution to evidence based decision making

- Mehrdad Hariri, Founder, CEO & President, Canadian Science Policy Centre

“Through this support initiative, we aim, among others, to stimulate Québec researchers and government’s participation in CSPC’s annual conference, which approaches issues related to policy and science diplomacy. Québec must attend because it has a lot to offer to and learn from our Canadian colleagues. This is a stimulating networking opportunity.”

- Rémi Quirion, Chief Scientist of Québec