/ Research in everyday life / More efficient e-government
Research capsule

More efficient e-government

Governments are increasingly turning towards new information technologies in their relations with citizens and businesses. Still, despite the significant sums invested in e-government programs, few research projects have elucidated the uses and impacts of these approaches.

Innovative information technologies have also led to the development of new services.

The initiatives led by Ryad Titah, researcher in the Department of Information Technologies at HEC Montréal, aim to study the e-services used and sought by citizens and governments, the ways in which they are used and their impacts.

Carried out at the municipal level, the research revealed several types of uses for information technologies. Some simply serve as new channels through which to provide existing services (e.g. disseminating information on recreational and road services, communicating press releases, receiving complaints by citizens).

Innovative information technologies have also led to the development of new services, such as the online broadcast of municipal council meetings. As part of a second research project, Ryad Titah revealed that the accumulation of massive amounts of data has become a new reality for Québec municipalities, which have yet to put the open metadata to good use since doing so requires more extensive expertise that local governments do not generally possess.

The research results provide relevant information for public managers and may be used to guide the development of e-government strategies and enhance current programs.