/ News / Creation of innovators in residence

Creation of innovators in residence


CHU Sainte-Justine, Hacking Health, Mosaic Pôle-HEC Montréal and PROMPT, along with the Fonds de recherche du Québec, are joining forces and combining their expertise to create a unique health innovation support program in Québec: “Resident innovators”.

Intended for entrepreneurs and management students, the program consists of two components: a residency in a clinical setting, and a community of practice allowing them to be part of a health innovation ecosystem. The Fonds de recherche du Québec supports this initiative, offering a starting grant of up to $375,000 over three years if the pilot phase proves to be successful.

The duration of the residency component will be spread over 8 to 12 months, during which the “resident innovators” will choose an innovation and work with interdisciplinary teams of clinicians, researchers and patients to develop and implement the projects.

“This bold and creative program stems from actual needs in the field—to better support, implement and promote innovations in health in order to create real benefits for the population,” said Dr. Fabrice Brunet, Chief Executive Officer of CHU Sainte-Justine. “We are pleased to welcome resident innovators into our establishment and to contribute actively to advancing and sharing this knowledge, as well as to the marketing of these health innovations.”

“The Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) is happy to provide financial support toward this innovative program. It will enable entrepreneurs and graduate students to team up in order to stimulate the introduction of innovations into the healthcare system to benefit the population,” declared Rémi Quirion, Chief Scientist of Québec.

"Research and innovation are first and foremost about people who invest in them and their talent. As part of the 2017-2022 Québec Strategy for Research and Innovation, one of the responsibilities entrusted to the Québec Research Funds by the government is to provide support for the development of talent to students and emerging researchers by offering adequate and adapted support. The Innovators in Residence program is a very concrete example of that support. Surely, together we will be able, as an innovative society, to meet the many challenges that face us in the 21st century, "said Ms. Dominique Anglade, Deputy Premier, Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation and Minister responsible for the Digital Strategy.

“This program will offer Québec entrepreneurs a unique opportunity: to improve their innovation in collaboration with the first line users while building a solid business plan with innovation marketing experts. These two factors should be gauges of success that will increase their chances of success when marketing not only in Québec, but internationally,” added Ms. Isabelle Vézina, Executive Director of Hacking Health.

“The Mosaic Pôle-HEC Montréal is proud to partner up with Hacking Health, CHU Sainte-Justine and Prompt, and now the FRQ, and help mobilize the most advanced knowledge and best practices in the organization, piloting and support of innovation to the service of health innovators and entrepreneurs,” stated Mr. Laurent Simon, Co-Director of the Mosaic Pôle-HEC Montréal and Full Professor.

“Creativity often means applying good ideas to new areas. The medical world has a long-standing understanding of residency. Extending this concept to the entrepreneurs and young researchers in management will open a world of possibilities for the creation of relevant technologies and the improvement of the healthcare system,” added Mr. Luc Sirois, Executive Director of PROMPT. “This innovative approach will shine a light on Québec creativity worldwide.”

The complete program for CHU Sainte-Justine’s Semaine de la qualité et de l’innovation is available now on the institution’s website: https://www.chusj.org.


CHU Sainte-Justine’s Semaine de la qualité et de l’innovation, presented by the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation, is supported by various dedicated partners, including: Kinova, Servier, Siemens Healthineers, Air Liquide Healthcare, Hospitalis, Ministère de l’Économie, de la Science et de l’Innovation du Québec, MEDTEQ, ProContact, Prompt, Réseau Technoscience, Hacking Health and HEC Montréal.

About the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation

The CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation aims to engage the community and support CHU Sainte-Justine in its pursuit of excellence and commitment to providing the children and mothers of today and tomorrow with one of the highest levels of healthcare in the world. http://www.fondationsaintejustine.org/en/

About CHU Sainte-Justine

The Sainte-Justine university hospital centre (CHU Sainte-Justine) is the largest mother-child centre in Canada and the second largest pediatric hospital in North America. A member of the Université de Montréal extended network of excellence in health (RUIS), Sainte-Justine has 5,457 employees, including 1,532 nurses and nursing assistants; 1,000 other healthcare professionals; 520 physicians, dentists and pharmacists; 822 residents and over 204 researchers; 411 volunteers; and 4,416 interns and students in a wide range of disciplines. CHU Sainte-Justine has 484 beds, including 67 at the Centre de réadaptation Marie Enfant (CRME), the only exclusively pediatric rehabilitation centre in Québec. The World Health Organization has recognized CHU Sainte-Justine as a “health promoting hospital.” www.chusj.org

About the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ)

Reporting to the Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation, the Fonds de recherche du Québec strives to ensure the strategic and coherent development as well as the financial support of Québec research, establish the necessary partnerships to carry out their mission, and promote and support knowledge mobilization.


About Hacking Health

Hacking Health is a non-profit organization that aims to catalyse cooperation by allowing the main stakeholders to co-create innovative, concrete solutions that meet healthcare challenges. With the help of its partners, Hacking Health promotes long-term initiatives: we encourage organizations and regions to work hand-in-hand with the stakeholders and help them transform in order to continually innovate.

Hacking Health has become an international community movement in health innovation, with a know-how and gathering events portfolio that includes the hackathons and design jams. We act as innovation brokers for these communities. The movement has 53 chapters in 16 countries spread over all five continents.

About HEC Montréal

Internationally renowned business school, HEC Montréal welcomes more than 13,000 students and trains more than 7,000 executives and managers every year. The School holds numerous accreditations and offers close to 100 university programs of all levels. It is among the most active Canadian business schools in research, with some 28 research and transfer units, including 27 chairs and 6 Canada Research Chairs. With its 272 professors and teaching body, HEC Montréal offers multilingual teaching and attracts students from close to 140 countries. Since its foundation in 1907, HEC Montréal has trained more than 86,000 graduates in all areas of management.

About Prompt

Prompt is the industrial research consortium of the digital and ICT sectors in Québec. It facilitates partnerships, projects and R&D financing between the companies and the institutional research sector. The projects financed cover all sub-sectors in this vast field, for software and hardware development, as well as for the development of components, networks and applications. As an innovation broker, Prompt wants to breathe new life into the ICT innovation and collaborative research ecosystem. With the financial support of the government of Québec and private sector, Prompt stimulates the creation of new alliances that improve Québec companies' R&D abilities, stimulate private investments in research and promote the development of highly-qualified staff for the future of Québec. Prompt is a proud partner of TechnoPolys and QuébecInnove.


Sources : CHU Sainte-Justine, Hacking Health, Pôle Mosaic HEC Montréal et PROMPT

Mélanie Dallaire
Executive advisor | External communications
CHU Sainte-Justine
Office: 514-345-7707 / Pager: 514-415-5727
Benoit Sévigny
Fonds de recherche du Québec
514-873-2114, ext.1619
Gabrielle Fallu
Attachée de presse
Cabinet de la vice-première ministre,
ministre de l'Économie, de la Science
et de l'Innovation et ministre responsable
de la Stratégie numérique
418 691-5650
Diana Yazidjian
Director of Communications
Hacking Health
514 961-7020
Marie-Pierre Hamel
Media Relations Advisor
HEC Montréal
514 340-7320
Maxime-R. Clerk
Senior Director, Partnerships and Communications
514-875-0032, ext. 15