/ News / Upcoming call for proposals for an Observatory on artificial intelligence ...

Upcoming call for proposals for an Observatory on artificial intelligence and digital technologies

Following the day of dialogue and reflection held on March 27 in Montréal, the Chief Scientist of Québec will soon launch a call for proposals among the scientific community to develop an international observatory focusing on the societal impacts of artificial intelligence and digital technologies. This call for proposals will be a partnership between the Fonds de recherche du Québec and the Ministry of the Economy, Science and Innovation.

The observatory's mandates will include research, training and knowledge mobilization. It is a project based on commitment and a collective contribution of partners throughout its completion. The proposals must be inter-university initiatives that involve a number of institutions and even colleges, and call upon the participation of different social actors; a mode of governance is to be defined.

Today's notice aims to help you begin to prepare. The call for proposals will be launched by April 30, 2018. No additional information will be released until then.

Please note that you will only have a few weeks to submit your proposal.