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The FRQ the National Council of Science and Technology of the United Mexican States sign a collaboration agreement

The Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) are pleased to announce the signature of a collaboration agreement with the National Council of Science and Technology of the United Mexican States (CONACyT). The agreement aims to promote scientific and technological collaboration between researchers from Québec and Mexico in a number of areas covered by the four agencies (FRQ-Nature et technologies, FRQ-Santé, FRQ-Société et culture and CONACyT).

"Mexico and Québec are facing many of the same major issues, such as the fight against climate change, that require concerted action, particularly when it comes to research and innovation. This agreement will allow researchers from Québec and Mexico to join forces in dealing with these major challenges", declared Rémi Quirion, Chief Scientist of Québec and head of the three Fonds de recherche.

The agreement's objective is to encourage scientific collaboration in areas including:

  •   biotechnology and medical materials
  •   sustainable development, environment and climate change
  •   applied sciences and engineering
  •   advanced manufacturing
  •   computational sciences and information technologies
  •   applied mathematics and modelling
  •   health (particularly aging and public health)
  •   culture (cultures of Québec and Mexico, cultural industries).

Inter-agency collaboration will include joint calls for proposals and other scientific exchange activities such as training programs, missions and workshops on topics of common interest.

The collaboration agreement is effective for a period of five years.

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Benoit Sévigny
Fonds de recherche du Québec
514 873-2114, ext. 1619