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The Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé announces the departure of scientific director Renaldo Battista

Québec’s chief scientist Rémi Quirion announces with regret that Renaldo Battista will leave his post as the scientific director of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) when his five-year mandate comes to an end in June. The members of the board of directors and the chief scientist commend Dr. Battista for the excellent work he has accomplished since taking office in July 2012.

Among Dr. Battista’s contributions to the development of health research are the modernization of the thematic research networks, the evolution of the research centre programs with the reform undertaken by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux and the creation of the Oncopole. “After five years at the helm of the FRQS, I am leaving the organization at an opportune moment marked by a sense of optimism brought about by the recent announcements of research investments by the government of Québec. I very much enjoyed working with the entire scientific community, whose excellence I have been able to see firsthand. In addition, through intersectoral research development, I had the opportunity to engage in a wealth of discussions with my colleagues from the other Fonds de recherche. Finally, I would like to extend warm thanks to the entire staff of the FRQS and the joint FRQ services, without whom none of these accomplishments would have been possible,” said Renaldo Battista, scientific director of the FRQS.

The chief scientist and his team are now seeking to recruit a candidate of Dr. Battista’s calibre. “He played a critical role within the FRQS and the FRQ in the advancement of research shortly after the passing of legislation to reorganize the Fonds de recherche du Québec. We wish him every success for the future,” affirmed Rémi Quirion.


For information:
Benoit Sévigny
Director of Communications and Knowledge Mobilization
Fonds de recherche du Québec
514 864-1619