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The Fonds de recherche du Québec launch a 2nd competition under the Platform of Funding Programs for Intersectoral Research on Aging

Convinced that an intersectoral approach will open up novel research perspectives, introduce groundbreaking conceptual frameworks, cast new light on the complex and multidimensional phenomenon of successful aging and provide innovative, sustainable and socially acceptable solutions, the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) once more invite researchers from all sectors (natural sciences and engineering, health sciences, humanities and social sciences, arts and literature) to come together through a joint, co-constructed, integrated approach based on intersectoral networking. It goes without saying that the research proposals funded in the first call in winter 2019 could not meet all research needs on successful aging in an inclusive society. Moreover, the pandemic crisis has highlighted the need to redouble research efforts in all sectors to protect the lives of the most vulnerable elderly, and to respond more adequately to the needs of older adults, most of whom are autonomous. Given this context, the second Platform on Aging competition intends to foster intersectoral and collaborative research initiatives with a view to generating not only new knowledge, but also innovative and even transformative solutions to address the major challenge of population aging.

The Platform on Aging offers research grants under two distinct funding components: Living Lab and Call for Solutions

  • The Living Lab component is designed to act as an incubator that will foster the emergence of new intersectoral approaches addressing a target theme, in this case successful aging, with a focus on the development of innovative practices through the direct participation of stakeholders: private, public and community organizations; government and municipal representatives; citizens; university researchers; etc.
  • The Call for Solutions component is designed to support targeted research aimed at finding concrete answers to research questions with short-term benefits for user communities or, even more directly, for target groups. The goal is to encourage initiatives with an action research approach, i.e. that produce new knowledge while taking action and leading to actions, change and solutions, whether technological, organizational, social, health-related, or other, in response to the challenges of successful aging.
ComponentLiving LabCall for solutions
  • Research in an immersive and experimental context
  • Sharing knowledge
  • Intersectoral and cross-community collaboration
  • Research to find actions with quick tangible benefits for user communities
  • Intersectoral networking
Number of grants to be awarded45
Annual Amount$200,000 to $300,000 (including FIR*)
*FIR = Indirect costs of research
$50,000 to $100,000 (plus FIR*)
*FIR = Indirect costs of research
Duration3 years1 year

Important dates

  • November 4, 2020: Rules of the second competition to be published on the websites of each Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ-Nature et technologies, FRQ-Santé, FRQ-Société et culture).
  • November 11, 2020: Access to electronic forms in FRQnet via the FRQ-Santé platform, even if the applicant’s research field is covered by FRQ-Société et culture or FRQ-Nature et technologies.
  • November 17 and 19, 2020: Two webinars featuring a presentation of the competition and question period.
  • January 26, 2021 (4 p.m.): Deadline to submit applications to both components of the competition: Living Lab and Call for Solutions
  • Late April 2021: announcement of competition results for both components.


Sophie Gauthier-Clerc
Program Manager
Directorate of Societal Challenges and Intersectoral Networks (DSMI)
Office of the Chief Scientist of Québec
514-873-2114 ext. 4269

Denise Pérusse
Director of Societal Challenges and Intersectoral Networks (DSMI)
Office of the Chief Scientist of Québec
418 643-8560 ext. 3120