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The Fonds de recherche du Québec and Québec universities become partners in Détecteur de rumeurs, by the Agence Science-Presse

The Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) and Québec universities through the Bureau de coopération universitaire (BCI) are very pleased to pledge their support to Détecteur de rumeurs, a web platform developed by the Agence Science-Presse. Aimed at the general public, Détecteur de rumeurs is a fact-checking website that verifies scientific rumours and false reports.

The support is in line with the courses of action set out as part of Les chercheurs dans la sphère publique, a forum organized by the FRQ at the Grande Bibliothèque in Montréal on December 4, 2015 (read the forum report).

This year, to follow up on the forum, the FRQ spearheaded a series of initiatives to broaden the public’s knowledge and understanding of scientific research. For example, the agencies joined forces with two magazines: Curium, a science and society publication aimed at teenagers 14 to 17, and Québec Science.

The forum’s findings strengthened the FRQ’s position to pursue activities to foster the spread of scientific knowledge. These efforts include the partnership with Télé-Québec to broadcast Électrons libres, the Festival Eurêka!, the broadcast of Quoi de neuf chercheurs? on Canal Savoir, science breakfasts at the National Assembly and the chief scientist’s Facebook page.

Also, as part of their research funding programs, the FRQ have begun to introduce measures to encourage researchers and students to lead dissemination activities for the general public.

About the Fonds de recherche du Québec

Reporting to the Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation, the Fonds de recherche du Québec strive to ensuring the strategic and coherent development as well as the financial support of Québec research, establish the necessary partnerships to carry out their mission, and promote and support knowledge mobilization.

About the Bureau de coopération universitaire

The Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI) is an organization comprising Québec’s universities. It is a forum for exchange of ideas and consultation, a study and research service for university administrators, a coordinator and administrator of services, as well as a platform of resourcing and reflection for its members. THE BCI plays a key role in optimizing the resources that Québec invests in university-level teaching and research.


Benoit Sévigny
Director of Communications and Knowledge Mobilization
Fonds de recherche du Québec
514 864-1619