/ News / Responsible Conduct of Research-Creation: a team from Quebec stands out

Responsible Conduct of Research-Creation: a team from Quebec stands out

The research work of N. Voarino, E. St-Hilaire, S. Mathieu-Chartier, V. Couture, J.C. Bélisle-Pipon and B. Williams-Jones on responsible conduct of research in a research-creation context stood out during the 5th World Conference on Research Integrity, which took place last May 28-31 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. N. Voarino and his team were awarded the Best Poster Award for the ingenuity of their research as presented in the poster Responsible Conduct of Research-Creation: Portrait of an Uncharted Field of Research.

We should remember that, following the launch of their Policy for the Responsible Conduct of Research, the FRQ launched in 2016 a collaborative research program called Responsible conduct of research: better action through better understanding, which focuses on research integrity in a research-creation and collaborative research context.