This targeted research was essentially the response of a research community to a series of questions posed by third-party stakeholders - who in this case were a group of Québec government ministries - in order to meet a need for knowledge. The team's initial objective was not, therefore, of our own making but rather a response to a number of questions asked by these stakeholders and summarized by the funding agency.
This research answers a series of questions posed by third-party stakeholders.
The answers to these questions led to the formulation of two distinct and complementary general objectives. The first concerned the Famille, école et communauté, réussir ensemble (FECRE) program itself, and involved the analysis of its operating procedures, the strategies that guided its implementation and deployment during the five years of its existence, and a comparison of its characteristics with those of third-party programs. The second objective was to analyze the effects of the program, i.e. the impact of its application on five targets corresponding to the five systems identified by the Ecological Systems theory used to develop the FECRE program: children, parents, teachers, school and the community.
In this report, we examine indirectly, within the context of the general objectives, in what ways the construction and implementation of the program elements has affected—or not—each of the targets or systems.
Main researcher: François Larose, Université de Sherbrooke
Original title: Étude évaluative des impacts du programme « Famille, école et communauté, réussir ensemble » (FECRE) sur la création de communautés éducatives soutenant la persévérance et la réussite scolaire d'élèves « à risque » au primaire