/ Research in everyday life / Teachers’ attitudes and practices regarding inclusive education for gifted ...
Research report

Teachers' attitudes and practices regarding inclusive education for gifted students

Several international studies show that teachers' attitudes towards the education of gifted students are either neutral or negative and that little differentiated instruction is offered to meet their special educational needs. In Québec, little is known about the status of this issue.

In order to better understand how inclusive education for gifted students is experienced in Québec and to improve gifted education practices, this action-research project was conducted in partnership with the Centre de services scolaires Marguerite-Bourgeoys (CSSMB). The study showed Québec teachers to have a generally positive attitude towards gifted students, except on the question of acceleration, where prejudices seem to be more persistent.

The research findings provide insights for teacher training and support.

On the other hand, teachers are less likely to use practices that are most appreciated by gifted students. The research findings provide insights for teacher training and support by identifying key gaps to be remedied and biases and stereotypes to be addressed.

This research also led to the fine tuning of the support provided by the CSSMB to school teams for the inclusion of gifted students in the classroom and to the development of documents to guide and systematize this support. These include a reference framework, more than 100 online tools and 8 online training modules that are freely accessible and include video clips from experts and testimonials, summary texts, exercises, reflective practice questions, and resource suggestions. These materials can be used by other school service centers or by anyone interested in improving inclusive education for gifted students.

Main researcher: Line Massé, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Original title: Attitudes et pratiques des enseignants quant à l'inclusion scolaire des élèves doués, conditions de réussite et validation d'une démarche d'accompagnement des enseignants pour favoriser leur inclusion scolaire

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