/ Research in everyday life / Gambling: an intergenerational phenomenon?
Research report

Gambling: an intergenerational phenomenon?

A recent study involving Québec youth suggests that gambling could be an intergenerational phenomenon. Capitalizing on the existence of a provincially-representative longitudinal cohort of over 2000 girls and boys followed since kindergarten, the researchers re-evaluated the subjects, now between 29 and 30 years of age.

Parental gambling is a factor influencing gambling behaviour.

The research aimed at identifying their gambling trajectories during three key developmental periods: mid-adolescence (15-16 years), early adulthood (22-23 years) and as they approach the age of thirty (29-30 years). The researchers also examined the gamblers' childhood antecedents, as well as the consequences of their gambling problems for their own families and children now that they are about to enter their thirties.

The results of the study indicate that a sub-group of individuals, mostly men, experienced chronic gambling problems since adolescence, and that parental gambling was a factor influencing their gambling behaviour. The study also showed that the problem gamblers exhibited deficient parental attitudes, and that their children had more behaviour problems, which in fact was one of the factors associated with their own probability of experiencing gambling problems between the ages of 15 and 30.


Main researcher: René Carbonneau, Université de Montréal

Original title: Trajectoires de vie des joueurs québécois entre 16 et 30 ans : description, facteurs individuels, familiaux et sociaux associés et impact socioéconomique intergénérationnel

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