/ Research in everyday life / Financial health at retirement
Research report

Financial health at retirement

The objective of this study is to identify the determinants of financial security at retirement for the people of Québec. As this is a very broad topic, we have structured our research around three principal themes: (1) the determinants of pension plan offerings; (2) fiscal optimization and individual retirement savings via Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RESP) and Individual Pension Plans (IPP); and (3) the investment practices of pension funds and individuals.

The main determinant of financial security at retirement is the level of individual savings.

The issue of population aging and, more particularly, the financial situation of future seniors are a source of concern for government authorities in Québec and in a number of countries around the world. Naturally, the question of retirement savings is central to this issue. The main determinant of financial security at retirement is the level of individual savings, which is why we have chosen to focus our research on this question. Our research themes address different aspects of saving through supplemental pension plans, the use of fiscal incentives for retirement savings, and the investment decisions of individuals and pension funds.

An employer-sponsored supplemental pension plan constitutes a type of compulsory savings plan from which employees cannot withdraw money for any reason other than retirement. Unfortunately, this type of plan is not offered by every company. Why is it that some companies offer pension plans while others do not? Our project attempts to answer this question, among others.


Main researcher: Daniel Coulombe, Université Laval

Original title: Les déterminants de la santé financière à la retraite

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