/ Research in everyday life / Evaluation practices and learning support for students
Research report

Evaluation practices and learning support for students

The topic of this research falls within the scope of curriculum reform and, more generally, of research on teaching practices. For some years now, the question of academic success has been increasingly at the heart of social debate in Québec. The Programme de formation de l'école québécoise (PFÉQ) defines academic success as one of the missions of Québec schools.

The question of academic success has been increasingly at the heart of social debate in Québec.

This research seeks to support the professional development of teachers with regard to their formative evaluation practices. To this end, a practice analysis is conducted both as a way to produce knowledge about formative education practices, and as a mechanism for continuing education.

The project's framework defines the conceptual orientations of teaching practices and formative evaluation that were used in the study. It also includes some orientations for the professional development of teaching staff.

The question of formative learning evaluation is addressed through the analysis of the practices of teachers who have already integrated several of the features put forward by the Ministry of Education and, with a view towards continuing education, through the implementation of an intervention aimed at supporting these teachers in the critical analysis of their own practices. The research, designated by the acronym APPREND, was conducted between January 2003 and December 2006.


Main researcher: Colette Deaudelin, Université de Sherbrooke

Original title: Pratiques évaluatives et aide à l'apprentissage des élèves : l'importance des processus de régulation

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