Today, Québec’s Chief Scientist Rémi Quirion launched Le Québec en recherche, a new Web space to highlight the excellence of Québec researchers and research students in natural sciences and engineering, health sciences, social sciences and humanities and arts and literature.
“Our researchers contribute to advancing knowledge and enhancing our collective quality of life and the common good. We must make their work known to Québecers, Canadians and the international community loudly and clearly,” declared Professor Quirion.
The new Web space will be a source of information for the academic and private sectors, governments, the media and the general public.
Le Québec en recherche recounts the ways in which society benefits from research activities based on the results of a survey of 1 320 university and college research groups (centres, networks, institutes, teams, chairs, etc.), In addition, the researchers interviewed explain the impacts of their work (on society, culture, health, the economy, public decision and policy making, the environment, etc.).
Le Québec en recherche also presents a series of indicators that illustrate Québec’s contribution to research at the international level in terms of investments, research capacity and scientific output.
New content will be added to the Web space in the upcoming months, and an English version will be released shortly.
The Fonds de recherche collaborated with the Observatoire des sciences et des technologies to document the research indicators and with Science-Metrix to survey the research groups.
Benoit Sévigny
Director of Communications and Knowledge Mobilisation
Fonds de recherche du Québec
514 864-1619