/ News / Collaboration between ENAP and the Fonds de recherche du Qué...

Collaboration between ENAP and the Fonds de recherche du Québec: new program in public administration with a research focus

Today, the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) and École nationale d’administration publique (ENAP) signed a collaboration agreement to offer a microprogram in public administration at ENAP to a very specific clientele: postgraduate students, professionals and executives trained or working in research. The agreement was signed in Chicoutimi by Rémi Quirion, Québec’s chief scientist and Guy Laforest, executive director of ENAP, at the 86th edition of the Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS).

Beginning this fall, the first cohort will have the opportunity to enroll in a program that is adapted to the needs and interests of the scientific sector to facilitate closer ties between the research community and public administration.

“We strive to promote the acquisition of a range of skills among the new generation of students who have trained in research. We especially want to underscore the importance of acquiring a better understanding of government administration and its realities. ENAP is the ideal partner with which to develop the training program.”

- Rémi Quirion, Chief Scientist

“Our goal is to ensure that the students who graduate from the program grasp the links between research infrastructure management, science policy design and implementation and project management in public administration. They will learn ways to influence the development and management of public policy through scientific research.”

- Guy Laforest, Executive Director, École nationale d’administration publique


  • Start of the program: September 2018;
  • 9-credit microprogram leading to an attestation of graduate studies that may be completed in less than year;
  • Online courses available across Québec;
  • The Fonds de recherche du Québec may cover the tuition fees for the three courses that make up the microprogram for applicants who meet the eligibility criteria;
  • Application period begins May 14, 2018;
  • Deadline to submit an application to the microprogram: June 8, 2018.

Go to the ENAP website to submit an application (in French).


About the Fonds de recherche du Québec

Reporting to the Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation, the Fonds de recherche du Québec strives to ensure the strategic and coherent development as well as the financial support of Québec research, establish the necessary partnerships to carry out their mission, and promote and support knowledge mobilization. Go to FRQSC, FRQS, FRQNT for more information.

About École nationale d’administration publique

ENAP is a specialist university that aims to provide public administration education and research, as well as training and development for current and future public administrators, analysts and managers. Go to ENAP website for more information.

Julien Chapdelaine
Manager - special projects
Office of the Chief Scientist
140, Grande-Allée Est, bureau 470, Québec
(418) 643-7582, ext. 3146

Manon Malenfant
Director of communications
Communications, ENAP
(418) 641-3000, ext. 6212