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Announcement of the recipients of the Relève étoile awards, new name of the Étudiants-chercheurs étoiles awards

Rémi Quirion, Québec’s Chief Scientist, is pleased to announce the names of the three winners of the Relève étoile competition of the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) for the month of April. The FRQ have chosen to rename the awards to mark the 13th edition of the Étudiants-chercheurs étoiles competition and be more inclusive.

To pay tribute to eminent members of Québec’s scientific community in recognition of their remarkable careers and outstanding contributions to the development of the research ecosystem, the award granted by the Fonds Nature et technologies has been named in honour of Louis Berlinguet (see About below). The Fonds Santé’s award is named for Jacques Genest (see About below). The Relève étoile award of the Fonds Société et culture will also honour an individual who has made an indelible impact on the social sciences and humanities.


Relève étoile Louis Berlinguet

Noemi Ghiammichele, postdoctoral fellow in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Université Toulouse-III-Paul-Sabatier
Winning article: A large oxygen-dominated core from the seismic cartography of a pulsating white dwarf
Published in: Nature

Relève étoile Jacques Genest

Élyse Caron-Beaudoin, postdoctoral fellow in Environmental Health/Occupational Health, Université de Montréal
Winning article: Gestational exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada: A pilot study
Published in: Environment International

Relève étoile, Fonds Société et culture

Olivier Bégin-Caouette, postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Interuniversity Research on Science and Technology, Université du Québec à Montréal
Winning article: The perceived impact of four funding streams on academic research production in Nordic countries: the perspectives of system actors
Published in: Science and Public Policy


“I am very proud of our new researchers and want to congratulate the winners of the Relève étoile awards. Created in 2012, with over 200 recipients, the competition formerly known as Étudiants-chercheurs étoiles is entering its seventh year with the same objective: to recognize excellence in new generations of researchers. To ensure the winners do not soon forget the contributions of the pioneers who came before them, we are very pleased to honour two of them, Louis Berlinguet and Jacques Genest, with awards. These builders helped shape Québec’s research ecosystem into what it is today.”

-- Rémi Quirion, Québec’s Chief Scientist


  • The Relève étoile competition, formerly known as the Étudiants-chercheurs étoiles competition, promotes careers in research and aims to recognize the excellence of the research conducted by university students, postdoctoral fellows and members of professional bodies who are carrying out advanced research training in the areas covered by the three Fonds de recherche du Québec;
  • Once a month, each Fonds will present an award valued at $1 000;
  • Applications may be submitted twice a year, on September 1 and March 1.


About Louis Berlinguet

Louis Berlinguet (1926–2018), professor and vice-dean of research in the Faculty of Medicine at Université Laval, conducted research in amino acid synthesis, protein chemistry and biochemistry and cancer chemotherapy. He contributed to the creation of Université du Québec and was appointed the first chairman of Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS). As a scientific advisor to the government, he gave Québec and Canada strong global positions. In his career, Louis Berlinguet received the highest honours and numerous awards. Click here for more information.


About Jacques Genest

A true health research pioneer in Québec, Dr. Jacques Genest (1919–2018) founded the research department of Hôtel-Dieu hospital and the Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM). He also founded and served as the first chairman of the Conseil de recherches médicales, predecessor of the FRQS. The author of over 700 scientific papers, Dr. Genest focused his research on hypertension. Indeed, the multi-drug treatment for hypertension he recommended is still used today to control high blood pressure in the vast majority of patients. He received over 50 awards and honours in his career. Click here for more information.


Benoit Sévigny
Director of Communications and Knowledge Mobilization
Fonds de recherche du Québec
514 864-1619